
Passive Pussy: An Instagram Dating Guide (Pre-Order) 10 ONLY

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Passive Pussy: An Instagram Dating Guide (Pre-Order) 10 ONLY

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few know this but i actually had a verified profile with 100k+ followers until IG realized i wasn’t famous but in that time i learned the power of instagram

either you keep up or get left behind in modern days 

unless you crank the dating app carousel or are very well known in your area- it is literally impossible to have a constant flow of new girls without leveraging instagram

yet no one talks about this

status OR perceived status buys you Reach which in turn buys you attention which you can then exploit for pussy or money. Guys wanna associate with you when they see you have a life they want and girls wanna fuck you because they see other guys respect you

issa vicious cycle

the internet has fundamentally changed the way the world works and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that in every day life. so knowing this- what makes you think dating is what it was 5 years ago or even 2 years ago pre-covid

your ONLINE persona is your OFFLINE persona and those who see this and position accordingly WILL prosper. curating your instagram for a flow of new connections is no longer an option it’s a necessity

reputation is everything

In this course I will teach you:

3 steps to jumpstart your profile immediately 

-the first thing all girls look at on your profile

-why you're not currently getting pussy from your profile

-the most important thing to do right now

Understanding instagram to leverage it for your benefit

-invoking emotions with your profile to keep girls scrolling

-selling her dreams with your photos to create intrigue

Building an irresistable profile

-picture types you must have on your profile

-faking clout even when nobody knows you

-taking pictures like a boss

-editing tips & captions

Creating reach in your area

-studying who and what matters in your area

-building an audience of local girls that want to meet you

Converting attention into pussy

-how to stay top of mind every day via stories

-where to find unlimited new girls to choose from no matter where you live

first 10 orders:

-pay $99 instead of $297 (60% discount)

-get 1 on 1 access to me

-access to private community of players

-first access to full course when done

100% Money Back if you dont have hoes crawling in your DMs after applying everything instructed

Sold out, please go back and pick another option.

Everything you need to have local girls wanting to date you by leveraging your Instagram correctly.

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